Held in conjunction with the Regional Governments Conference on Sustainable and Inclusive Infrastructure Development, the Indonesia International Infrastructure Conference and Exhibition 2013 (IIICE’13) returned on 13-15 November at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Organized by PT. Infrastructure Asia and hosted by The Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the IIICE 2013 was a good platform for global businesses to share their capabilities and strengths in supporting Indonesia’s fast-track infrastructure development.

Gathering government leaders and decision-makers who are responsible for the future of infrastructure development, the IIICE’13 provides a critical review of infrastructure industries in:

  • Energy Development – Power Generation, Renewable Energy and Energy Transmission
  • Transport Infrastructure –  Air, Rail and Sea
  • Water & Waste Services Infrastructure

At the exhibition, Hitachi showcased its strength and track record in various industries ranging from power systems, transportation system, and water treatment to information communications technology and urban transportation.

Participating Hitachi Group of Companies included:

  1. Hitachi, Ltd.
  2. Hitachi Asia Ltd.
  3. PT. Hitachi Asia Indonesia.
  4. PT. Hitachi Plant Technologies, Indonesia
  5. PT. Hitachi Power Systems Indonesia
  6. Hitachi Data Systems Pte. Ltd.

Hitachi, being one of the sponsors, had Mr Shinya Mitsudomi, Chief Strategy Officer, Rail Systems Company of Hitachi, Ltd. and Mr Joko Triyono,  Sales Manager of PT. Hitachi Plant Technologies, Indonesia represent the group to speak at the conference during the Transport Infrastructure Session and Water & Waste Services Infrastructure Session
